Sunday, May 19, 2013

Watch Unmade In China FULL Movie Box Office

Unmade in China follows the experience of a Los Angeles filmmaker who finds himself in Xiamen, China trying to direct a thriller, in Chinese, using a translator. He soon discovers that the old adage of making a film three times - in the writing, shooting, and editing - is in fact the opposite in China, where his film is "unmade" three times - in the writing, shooting, and editing - with each subsequent stage of the process even more excruciating and devastating than the one that came before it. (c) Official Site
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Movie Title : Unmade In China
Release Date : Apr 19, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Gil Kofman,Tanner Barklow,Shone An,Yixuan An,Yuanzheng Feng,Michael Hersey,Chunjun Jing,Seth Scher


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Unmade In China

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All Critics Ranting For Unmade In China : 6.3
All Critics Count For Unmade In China : 14
All Critics Percentage For Unmade In China : 57 %

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Trailer For Unmade In China

Review For Movie Unmade In China
Why does Kofman, who co-directs with Tanner King Barklow, insist upon making the movie mostly about himself? He gets into nearly every frame, often in closeup.
V.A. Musetto-New York Post

It is surprisingly boring to watch a movie being made, on the set or off, and a beleaguered production is not necessarily an exception.
Nicolas Rapold-New York Times

All of this could be very funny, but while the film does deliver some strong comic turns, far too much time is spent watching an inactive Kofman whining about his lot ...
Andrew Schenker-Village Voice

It's a cautionary tale of sorts, but the story is so strange it is often not clear exactly what it's cautioning us against.
Kenneth Turan-Los Angeles Times

Mostly, it's just a sloppy account of a doomed-to-fail endeavor in which Kaufman retroactively feigns naivete about an assignment with too many obvious red flags.
Peter Debruge-Variety

Unmade in China is nominally about filmmaking, but what Kofman and Barklow do well is to use their unusual position within the Chinese state machine to make a thinly veiled movie about politics.
Ian Buckwalter-NPR

Fun and amusing albeit a little too much navel-gazing and low on insight.
Avi Offer-NYC Movie Guru

Ultimately, Unmade in China is ultimately less about the experience of making a movie in China than it is a chronicle of one director's wounded ego.
Ethan Alter-Television Without Pity

Ugly Americans and not so pretty Chinese dominate this cheesy doc about a cheesy group of L.A. filmmakers trying to make a cheesy film in China with Chinese backing.
Doris Toumarkine-Film Journal International

A comical account of a year-long, money-burning party which ought to serve as a sobering warning for any equally-naïve entrepreneurs considering investing in China.
Kam Williams-Sly Fox

Not even its problematically touristic gaze is enough to derail the fascination of this absurd tale's many nightmarish twists and turns.
Kenji Fujishima-Slant Magazine

Ultimately some fresh and amusing points are made regarding the issues of final cut privilege and film piracy ... if only it were as wholly engaging as its content deserves.
Christopher Campbell-Film School Rejects

[It] becomes an onsite mouthpiece for a pouting, passive-aggressive filmmaker who desperately needs an outlet.
Tasha Robinson-AV Club

Movie Images Unmade In China
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Movie Overview For Unmade In China

Unmade in China follows American director Gil Kofman as he travels to Xiamen, China to direct the Republic's first ever thriller. Once there he discovers that the old adage of making a film three times, once in the writing, once in the shooting and once in the editing, is in fact just the opposite in his host country, where his film is unmade three times. Undaunted by his inability to speak or understand the Mandarin language, Kofman directs his frequently recast actors through a translator as government censorship and constant cultural mishaps hijack his script and derail production. Like Man of la Mancha set in Communist China, there has never been a film quite like this.


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